
Advertise with us

Data Talent Jobs serves as a dynamic convergence point for employers and professionals in the fields of Data Analytics, Data Architecture, Data Science, Data Engineering, and Business Intelligence. With our focused job board, you'll connect efficiently with a rich talent pool specializing in various data-related disciplines.

Designed to simplify your hiring process, Data Talent Jobs provides a streamlined platform where your advertisements directly reach seasoned professionals and enthusiastic newcomers alike, all of whom bring unique skills and insights to the table. Within this niche community, your offerings gain immediate visibility among candidates who are actively seeking opportunities to leverage their expertise in data analysis, architecture, engineering, and business intelligence roles.

Our platform not only ensures that your postings are viewed by relevant eyes but also fosters an environment that encourages engagement between employers and potential employees. As a recruiter, you’ll find it remarkably easy to navigate, post, and manage job listings. Meanwhile, candidates can effortlessly browse through well-defined job categories, applying for positions that align precisely with their skills and career aspirations.

Step 1 - Choose Your Advertising Package

*Prices exclude VAT and are subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20%

  • Premium Job Advert

    1 advert(s)

    £199.00 + VAT

    £199.00 per job + VAT

    Our entry-level job listing
    •  Applications sent straight to your inbox
    •  Screening questions to filter applications
    •  Branded company proifle
    •  30 day live listing
  • 5 Premium Job Adverts

    5 advert(s)

    £699.00 + VAT

    £139.80 per job + VAT

    Our most popular package!
    •  Applications sent straight to your inbox
    •  Screening questions to filter applications
    •  Branded company profile
    •  30 day live listing
  • 10 Premium Job Adverts

    10 advert(s)

    £1,199.00 + VAT

    £119.90 per job + VAT

    Popular with larger agencies
    •  Applications sent straight to your inbox
    •  Screening questions to filter applications
    •  Branded company proifle
    •  30 day live listing
  • Custom

    £ -.--

    £ -.--

    All package features included

    At custom volume discounts

For bespoke packages tailored to your advertising needs simply contact us (here) via our enquiry form.

Summary & Payment


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